Golden Challenge

How big is your business?

Golden Challenge aims to develop solid strategies that take business to new levels, making the dreams and objectives of entrepreneurs and business managers a reality.

With a systematic approach that provides owners of small, medium and large businesses with practical advice, timely ideas, consultancy, support and tactics to increase their revenues, profitability, average ticket and even commercial value, based on a solid, organised and cohesive structure.

Conquering new markets, restructuring liabilities and debts, planning for the short, medium and long term, and optimising recruitment are all issues that cross the horizon of any responsible entrepreneur with the ambition to improve the life of his company and his employees and, in partnership with Golden Challenge, these issues become part of tangible strategic planning.


Are you starting a new business?

To start a new business and achieve success, you need to be aware of market risks.

Important to know
Key points
  • » 40% of new businesses fail before they are 1 year old.
  • » 56% of new businesses fail before they are 3 years old.
  • » 76% of new businesses fail before they are 5 years old.


For those that survive the first 5 years, there is also no guarantee that they will be able to remain active for 10 years or more.

With this data in mind, Golden Challenge offers the necessary support so that new companies not only have a chance of surviving, but also of growing and evolving within their markets, taking care of strategies and tax and official formalities.

Teaming up with Golden Challenge is the first step towards investing time and money intelligently, at the right time and in the right way to have a successful business.

  • » Planos de Negócio. Para se certificar de que tem uma estratégia de negócios viável para começar e que obterá os necessários fluxo de caixa;
  • » Estrutura de Negócios. Conselhos sobre a estrutura do negócio certo para Si;
  • » Formalização da empresa;
  • » Aumentar Finanças. Assistência na obtenção de financiamento de credores e conselhos sobre as diferentes fontes de financiamento;
  • » Planeamento Estratégico. Para se certificar de que sabe onde está indo e como vai chegar lá;
  • » Planeamento do crescimento dos negócios;
  • » Gestão da Informação. E os indicadores-chave de desempenho para o ajudar a monitorizar como a sua empresa está realmente efetuando correções ao seu plano para permitir que faça as alterações necessárias;
  • » Introduções. Introduzir e ajudar a fomentar as relações com os principais fornecedores de negócios locais, tais como os bancos, advogados e outros consultores profissionais;
  • » Registo. Conclusão de todos os formulários e formalidades necessários para registrar o seu negócio junto das autoridades oficiais e fiscais, incluindo o registo de IVA e Segurança Social e programas de incentivos às PME se necessário, para ajudar a evitar todas as muitas multas que daí advenham;
  • » Contabilidade Set-Up. Ajuda na criação de seu sistema de contabilidade;
  • » Contas anuais;
  • »Declarações fiscais.

Small Companies

Companies with a turnover of up to €250,000.

Small companies make up the majority of businesses in Europe. According to the Federation of Small Businesses, 95 per cent of all companies employ fewer than five people.

Key points
  • » Packs – We offer packs designed especially for small businesses looking to grow further;
  • » High service levels - Small businesses make up the majority of our customer base. Costs are important, as are service levels, and we combine them to provide exceptional value for small businesses;
  • » What you need - Whether you just need help with your monthly, annual and tax accounts or you need help with the development of your company, we're here to help;
  • » Business Support - We know that setting up a small business can be a lonely journey. Many small business owners work hard, get frustrated and sometimes give up. At Golden Challenge, we value the desire to create your own business and we'll help you with what can sometimes seem like a complicated task. We speak a language you'll understand and together we'll boost your business;
  • » Tax savings - Small business owners also end up paying more tax than they need to, as they are not fully aware of all the opportunities available to them. We guarantee that you only pay the taxes you need to.

Medium Companies

All business from €250,000 to €1 million turnover

Medium-sized companies often need more in-depth help and assistance and we have service levels especially available for medium-sized companies.

Practically all medium-sized companies already have an accountant;

Key points
  • » New point of view - It's often the case that a fresh look at the same issues can open up new opportunities and ideas. Through a free consultation we can even visit you and it will be an excellent way to establish comparisons between what you already have and what you could change;
  • » Tax Strategies - There are more tax strategies available for medium-sized companies and we can help you ensure that your taxes are kept to an absolute minimum;
  • » Business Growth - If you have an established or relatively young business and are looking for high growth, we can help with a wide range of outsourced business services in the accounting function to complement business strategy services;
  • » Costs - Costs are also important for medium-sized companies, so contact us to see how we compare - you may be pleasantly surprised!

Big Companies

All business from €1 million to €5 million turnover.

Our wide range of services allows us to meet the needs of any large company up to €5 million in turnover. Above that level we can often help too.

Key points
  • » Large volume of tasks: Large companies need to rely on a large accounting firm that manages the accounting routine well;
  • » Personalised service: an attentive and proactive approach to specific needs.
  • » Security and discretion: guarantee of security and discretion in negotiations and the provision of services;
  • » Market conditions: by comparing our fees with those of our competitors, we believe you will be positively surprised;
  • » Strategy: specialised tax planning and value-added business services are ideal for large companies.

Golden Challenge is ready to take care of your business.


If you are interested in one or all of the following services, please contact us...

» Competitive fixed values;
» Unlimited telephone support;
» Unlimited free meetings;
» An analysis of taxes;
» To make more profit;
» To optimise taxes;
» Someone to help you sort through all your documents;
» A professional who speaks your language;